Opening scene
Press Esc if desired
* Talk to the man standing by the desk in the middle
* Process a file:
- Pick up a file from the desk
- Look at the file; note the name
- Use the file on the photocopier
- Select the photocopy and combine it with the file (or
vice versa)
- Use the file on the appropriate drawer of the filing
* Process a second file in the same way
* Optionally, try to process a third file
* Interact with the kitchen door
* Optionally, speak to Dave
* Speak to Sam
* Use all dialog options
* Process another file
* Use the blue file on the photocopier
* Use the blue file on the drawer that it came from (L-N)
* Talk to Sam
* Tell her you're feeling a bit off-colour
* Interact with the kitchen door
* Interact with the cupboard
* Use the decoder on the files
* Pick up the decoder and the files
* Interact with either the door to the flat or the light
Nightclub exterior
(Easter egg: wave at the CCTV camera)
* Walk down or interact with the alley to the right of
the club
* Talk to the doorman
* Ask him why you can't go down the alley
* Look at the CCTV camera
* Talk to the doorman
* Tell him you saw a gang of rough-looking lads
* Walk down or interact with the alley
Back of nightclub
* Talk to the man in the shadows
Nightclub interior
(Easter egg: look at the record deck)
* Select any one of the replies (each one gives a
different response, and the two not selected are then
* Talk to Stevens
* Use the documents on Stevens
* Select all dialog options other than "Doesn't matter."
* Interact with either the empty glass or the bar
* Talk to Stevens
* Select all dialog options as they come up, other than
"Doesn't matter."
Office (day 2 - morning)
* Talk to Sam
* Interact with Tracey's desk or chair
Agency office
Stevens is the player character here.
* Give the photocopies of the secret file to the boss
* Give Quidet's file to the boss
* Select all dialog options
Office (day 2 - evening)
* The screen flashes red, meaning that you can mess up
here and the game will be over. If you do, you will be
given the option to return to this point in the game.
* To complete this part of the game successfully, do
tasks 1 and 2 in either order. You have until 5.25
according to the clock on the wall or on the computer.
* The clocks on the wall and Joe's computer are updated
in real time.
* Quidet will give a warning when the time between Joe
leaving and 5.25 is two-thirds up. For example, if Joe
left at 5.13, she will give a warning 8 minutes later.
* To see what happens if you don't complete both tasks
in time, see "Joe returns:" below
* Interact with the computer on Joe's desk
* Optionally, click "Show password" so you can see the
password as you are entering it
* Optionally, try passwords
* To try a password:
- Click in the Password box
- Type in any password and click OK or press Enter
* Click Cancel
* Look at the picture frame on Joe's desk
* Interact with the computer again
* Enter "molly" as the password (all lower-case)
(Easter egg: in the Games folder, look at
* Do each of the following, in either order:
Task 1(a)
* Double-click on the "Hypermail" icon
* Click on the down arrow button repeatedly to scroll
down to the email from Molly
* Click "Open" or press Enter
* Pay attention to Quidet's comments
* Note what the email says
* Close the email either by clicking on the "X" button
or pressing Escape
* Close the email application either by clicking on the
"X" button or pressing Escape
TASK 1(b)
* Double-click on the "Company files" icon
* Scroll down to "Personnel records"
* Click "Open" or press Enter
* Pay attention to Quidet's comments
* Close the file either by clicking on the "X" button or
pressing Escape
* Close the file browser either by clicking on the "X"
button or pressing Escape
* Click "Log off"
* Interact with the pile of files on your desk
* If the time is now 5.25, Joe will return (but don't
wait until then)
* Interact with or walk to the exit
* Go to "Church" below
When Joe returns
* Joe returns to the office at 5.25 exactly.
* If Quidet is using the computer, the game returns
immediately to the office
* Quidet runs towards Sam's desk
Possible scenarios when he comes in:
1. Quidet is in the middle of using the computer
* Joe is angry with Quidet
* Go to "End of game in office" below
2. Quidet is standing near Joe's desk
* Joe is suspicious of her
3. Quidet is not standing near Joe's desk
After 2, or 3, one of the following happens:
A. Quidet has looked in the drawer of his desk
* Joe asks her why
* Go to "End of game in office" below
B. Quidet has not looked in the drawer and has left the
files on her desk
* Joe comments on how long he has been gone (10 minutes,
nearly 15, 15 minutes)
* Joe is suspicious of what she has been doing
* Go to "End of game in office" below
C. Quidet has not looked in the drawer and has put the
files away, but has not found out the information she
needs from the computer
* Quidet asks for more time to finish the job, and Joe
is suspicious.
* Go to "End of game in office" below
D. Quidet has not looked in the drawer and has put the
files away, and has found out the information she needs
from the computer
* Joe collects his keys from the drawer of his desk
* Quidet leaves
* Go to "Church" below
End of game in office
* Joe has caught Quidet snooping around the office
* He tells her he came back because he was suspicious,
and asks what she is up to
* She says she knows what is going on
* He pulls a gun and shoots Quidet
* The game returns to the agency office and Stevens
gives the boss the bad news
* You are given the option to try again or restart
* Trying again takes you back to the last point in the
game where the screen flashed red
(Easter egg: look at all three inscriptions)
* The screen flashes red, meaning that you can mess up
here and the game will be over. If you do, you will be
given the option to return to this point in the game.
* To see what happens if you fail in this scene, see "Mistakes
talking to nun" below
* Interact with the door on the right
* Select the top dialog option repeatedly until a list
of options comes up
* Select "...pipistrelles?"
* Select "I'm here on behalf of Mr Jones."
* Select "Minerva"
* Click on the statue
* Go to "Statue" below
Mistakes talking to nun
* Get the name of the bats wrong twice
* Tell the nun you have been sent from the Agency
* Get the codename wrong twice
Each of the above ends the game as follows:
* Magnus and Giles come in and capture Quidet
* The game returns to the Agency office and Stevens
gives the boss the bad news
* You are given the option to try again or restart
* Trying again takes you back to the last point in the
game where the screen flashed red
* Look at the inscription at the foot of the statue
* Talk to the face of the statue
* Interact with the inscription at the foot of the
* Look at the puzzle repeatedly to get hints on solving
it until you see the hint telling you the phrase you
need to spell out
* The tiles must be reordered to spell out "DEUS BONUS
* At this point, you can try to solve the puzzle,
although you do not yet have enough information to do so
* (Optional) Click "Exit" and look at "Crucifix" and "Mosaic"
below for clues, then come back to the puzzle
* If you want to have a go at the puzzle, click on the
tiles to arrange them so that the phrase is spelt out
and the cross is visible in the bottom row; clicking on
a tile next to the blank space slides the tile into that
* If you end up with all tiles in the right place except
two in the wrong order, you're heading for an incorrect
* If you solve the puzzle correctly, proceed to "Church"
* If you get the right phrase but nothing happens, or
you just can't work it out, click the Exit button to
return to the church
* For hints on solving the puzzle, then see "Crucifix"
and "Mosaic" below
* If you can't solve the puzzle or can't be bothered,
click "Exit" and then skip to "Cheat" below
* Look at the inscription, and notice the pattern of
wear and tear in each row of tiles
* Each row (top, middle, bottom) of tiles in the puzzle
must be damaged in the same position (top, middle,
bottom) as the corresponding row (top, middle, bottom)
of tiles in the inscription below the crucifix
* Click "Exit"
* Look at the area at the bottom right (named "???")
* Notice the areas containing an "I" - this is a clue
advising you to complete these areas of the puzzle first
(this is not essential, but it makes the puzzle a little
easier to solve)
* Click "Exit"
*** Cheat ***
* This is the cheat for solving the puzzle in the statue
quickly - skip this section if you don't want to know
the trick
* In the church, interact with the chalice
* Interact with the statue
* Use the chalice on the stone surrounding the puzzle
* Interact with the tiles of the puzzle; they will now
come out as you click on them
* A tile taken out of the puzzle can be put down in any
blank space in the puzzle
* If you need to put a tile to one side while you move
other tiles around, put it on the statue's hand until
you need it; there is room on the hand for only one tile
(Easter egg: walk into crypt)
* To see what happens if you fail in this scene, see "Mistake
after solving puzzle" below
* Nadine will ask for the chalice back if you took it
* Use all the dialog options
* Use the USB stick on Nadine
* Go to "Crypt" below
Mistake after solving puzzle
* Instead of giving Nadine the USB stick, give her the
* Magnus and Giles come in and capture Quidet
* The game returns to the agency office and Stevens
gives the boss the bad news
* You are given the option to try again or restart
* Trying again takes you back to the last point in the
game where the screen flashed red
(Easter egg: talk to cross)
* Interact with the computer
* After the cutscene with Nadine and the others,
interact with the computer again
* In any order:
- Use the decoder on the computer
- Use the memory stick on the computer
- Use the mobile phone on the computer
- Interact with the desk to find a screwdriver
* Use the screwdriver on the computer
* Interact with the pliers (on the right-hand part of
the desk)
* Use either the screwdriver or the pliers on the
* Use the decoder on the circuit board, which is on the
* Watch the cutscene
Fight scene (mini-game)
* Controls:
- left-click to punch when within reach
- right-click to kick when the right distance away
* Pressing Escape skips the mini-game, but you will lose
by default
* If you get knocked out first (or you choose to skip
the mini-game), you lose your lockpicks
(Easter egg: talk to bed)
* Talk to the door or interact with either the door or
the lock
* Use these dialog options:
- I'll talk if you let me out
- If you fetch the others, I'll talk
* If you still have your lockpicks, use them on the lock
of the door
* Otherwise:
- use the pliers on the spring sticking out of the bed
- use the pliers on the spring in your inventory
- use the improvised lockpicks on the lock of the door
* Optionally, interact with the door
* Walk to the exit to the church
* In either order:
- Talk to the door to see whether Magnus is there
- Interact with Tracey to lift the chair
* Interact with the desk
* Interact with the junction box three times
* Interact with the box of tissues
* Use the tissue on the junction box
* Quickly use the burning tissue on the candle; if you
aren't quick enough, go back and interact with the box
of tissues again and continue from there
* Interact with the candle
* Interact with the shelf
* Use the scissors on Tracey
* In either order:
- Interact with the desk to find a ruler
- Interact with the candlestick
* Use the ruler on a hinge of the door
* Use the candlestick on the door
* Interact with Tracey
* In either order:
- Interact with the middle door
* Interact with the spyhole in the left-hand door
* Interact with the left-hand door
* Interact with the left-hand door
* Interact with the right-hand wall
* Interact with the desk
* In any order, use the lighter on these:
- the desk
- the gap in the wall (can then get battery: see below)
- the cross (can then get phone cover: see below)
- and optionally on the chair, pillar, door and wall
* In either order:
- to get the phone battery: use the scissors on the gap
in the wall
- to get the phone cover:
- interact with the desk twice
- interact with the cross
- use the candlestick on the cross
* Use any part of phone on any other
* Optionally, walk towards or interact with the door
* Walk to the exit at the other end of the room
Outside church
(Easter egg: walk around corner of church)
* Talk to Stevens
* Use all dialog options except "Never mind."
Agency office
* Talk to Stevens
* Talk to H
Outside Lexington House
* Interact with the entryphone
* Look at the labels until you find Insurance
International Inc.
* Press the button for Insurance International Inc.
* If you haven't done so already, look at the labels
until you find M. Webster Inc.
* Press the button for M. Webster Inc.
* Either interact with the door or try using the
lockpicks on the door
* Interact with the entryphone
* Look at the labels until you find reception
* Press the button for reception
* Use the lockpicks on the lock
* Use the decoder on the lock
* Use the lockpicks on the lock
Empty office
* In either order:
- Interact with the door to the conference room
- Interact with the door to the kitchen
* Talk to Stevens
* Use the phone on Stevens
Outside Jones's house
(Easter egg: talk to tree)
* Interact with the intercom
* Interact with the gravel path
* Use the gravel on the large window at the top right of
the house
Inside Jones's house
(Easter egg: talk to statue)
(Easter egg: after Nihil Obstat arrive, talk to mirror)
(Easter egg: look at all three members of the Armed
Response Unit)
* The screen flashes red, meaning that you can mess up
here and the game will be over. If you do, you will be
given the option to return to this point in the game.
* To see what happens if you fail in this scene, see
"Virus launched" below
* In any order, look at:
- painting
- clock
- fireplace
- mirror
- statue
- rug
- armchairs
- blank space on wall
- desk
- projector
- computer
- bookcase
- curtains
- window
* Talk to Jones
* Look at the window
* Talk to Jones
* Select "The light is so bright."
* Look at/interact with the cheval glass
* Talk to Jones
* Select "I can't breathe."
* Interact with the cheval glass
* In any order:
- Talk to Joe
- Interact with the computer
- Use the decoder on the computer
- Interact with the desk
* Interact with Owen
* Use the gun on the computer (the computer itself, not
the monitor)
* Go to "Agency office" below
Virus launched
When the countdown to the launch of the virus reaches
* If currently you are outside the house with the ARU:
- The radio starts playing static and Toby says comms
are down
- The game returns to inside Joe's house
* Whatever was going on (conversation, people coming
into the room, etc) is completed or interrupted
* The countdown changes to an animation of the virus
* If Quidet had her arms raised to do something, she
lowers them
* Joe mentions that the virus is live
* Quidet faces the projection on the wall
* A blue screen of death appears for a couple of seconds
* You are given the option to try again or restart
* Trying again takes you back to the last point in the
game where the screen flashed red
Agency office
* Use all dialog options
End credits
* Watch and enjoy :)