Saw 1 and 2 Free games
Download SAW I
Wake up in the room and talk to your partner. Eventually you’ll be able to ask, “Do you know why are we here?” At first Carl knows nothing. Ask him again and he’ll reveal who’s behind this. Finish asking everything you can. You gain control of Allan. Check your inventory. See that you have KEY 1 and TAPE 1. Pick up the PIECE OF PAPER lying under the pipes. Read it. Be sure to read all the notes you find, failure to do so will result in the character not knowing what to do. Go to the bathtub. Get the CORK lying on the faucet. Look at the odd colored BATH WALL and you’ll find a wooden box inside with the AXE. Get the AXE. Look in the sewer. You’ll find a TAPE PLAYER. Use the CORK on the TAPE PLAYER ROPE to get it. Now play the TAPE 1 that is already in your inventory. Talk to Carl and tell him to give you his TAPE 2. Play TAPE 2. Now look at the only whole W.C. This may take a few tries but eventually you will get a close up look at it. Get the open the BASIN and get the COVER. Look at the W.C. again and get the BAG inside. Go into your inventory and look at the BAG to open it. You’ll receive a ROPE WITH HOOK, a SAW (UNCOMPLETE), a SHOTGUN, and STONES. Throw the STONES at the mirror and see that you’re being recorded. Get both GLASS SHARDS. You can only use the bigger one. Use the GLASS SHARD on yourself and see that you have a number 7 on your neck. After finding the number on your neck, look at Carl and see he has a number 9 on his neck. Go to the NUMBERS BOX and enter the number 63 (Multiply your heads clue). Push the enter key Then push the blank key. Get the ENVELOPE. Open the ENVELOPE (look at it in the inventory) and you’ll get TAPE 3, KEY 2 and a BULLET. Listen to TAPE 3 on the TAPE PLAYER. If you want to end the game now, load the GUN with the BULLET to get a CHARGED SHOTGUN. You can shoot Carl but you’ll end up with some trouble (for those of you who don’t know Spanish he says, "Ok Allan I'll give you the key to escape, no doubt you chose the easiest way, the key is inside of Carl... will you be brave enough to cut him in little pieces?" [Thanks to Joe Carl for the translation]). If you decide to continue the game give Carl KEYS 1 and 2 and the AXE, then switch characters. Use the AXE on the CHAIN to find out that the exit is still locked. Look at the BOX for a close up. Use KEY 2 on the KEYHOLE to open it. Switch the OPENED WATER KEY to get the water started and turn off the lights (switch all the switches up). Look at the BLUE ROLLER and then touch it twice. You’ll get another BOX. Use KEY 1 on the BOX and get the SAW LEAF, two NOTES, a MOBILE PHONE, a TORCH and BROKEN PAPER. Use the MOBILE PHONE to get a message from SAW. Give the BROKEN PAPER, AXE, and SAW LEAF to ALLAN. Switch characters. Use the SAW LEAF with the SAW (UNCOMPLETE) to get the SAW. Now go to the WASH BASIN. Put the CORK in the WASH BASIN and turn on the TAP. The sink will flood revealing a FLOOR TILE. Pick up the FLOOR TILE and see that it reveals a brick floor. Find the loose BRICK and pick it up. You’ll find a PAINTING and a NOTE. Get them both. In your inventory they become MESSAGE 2 and BROKEN PAPER. Combine both BROKEN PAPER pieces and look at them to get a weird picture: __ — — __ —. Switch to Carl and go back to the OPEN BOX. Flip the switches so they match the picture. EXIT the OPEN BOX and look at it again. Your character will now understand. Look at the ARROW and see that it’s pointing up (and I do mean use the “eye” icon on the arrow otherwise it doesn’t work). Now move your mouse a little higher to see the ROOF. This may be difficult since it’s close to the point where you open the top tool bar. Once you have a close up of the ROOF look at the EXIT. Switch to ALLAN and go to the BATHTUB cover the DRAIN with the COVER and turn on the COLD WATER. Your characters will mention your plan to each other. Go back to the BATHTUB and turn on the COLD WATER. Now use the AXE on the TUBE. Next, use the SAW on the T TUBE just between the WASH BASIN and the W.C. You’ll get the T TUBE. Look at the T TUBE in your inventory to get KEY 3. Give the AXE to Carl and switch characters. Use the AXE on the TUBE and switch back to Allan. Use the FLOOR TILE on the SEWER. The room will flood but not all the way. Switch to Carl and give Allan the TORCH. Switch back to Allan and give the ROPE WITH HOOK to Carl. Now look at the TAPE PLAYER to get the BATTERIES. Use the BATTERIES on the TORCH to get it to work. Use the TORCH on the DARK EXIT to light it up and see the LADDER. Without moving Allan, switch to Carl. Use the ROPE WITH HOOK on the LADDER then grab the ROPE. Carl’s kind of a lazy jerk so he has Allan pull the rope. Something will fall into the water. Carl still won’t do what’s necessary so switch to Allan and touch the dirty water. You’ll get the DIRTY BOX. Use KEY 3 on the DIRTY BOX to open it. You’ll get a NOTE and KEY 4. Use KEY 4 on yourself then give it to Carl. Switch characters and use KEY 4 on Carl. Now just grab the ladder you’ve won! “Congratulations, you’re still alive. But now you appreciate it.”
First Room
You wake up in a room with a man, Zepp, chained to a bed. Start off by talking
to him and exhausting every option you have. Now the trouble is that you need to
get out of the chair. That’s easy enough. Just go to your options and USE ROPE.
You’ll break free and take the rope pieces. Okay, now that you’re free go and
take the tape recorder off of Zepp. There’s a piece of paper on the floor, it
kind of looks like a drain but it’s a piece of paper. PICK UP PAPER and you’ll
get a clue that you’ll use later. Now go to the newspapers and PICK UP NEWSPAPER.
LOOK AT NEWSPAPER and you’ll get some information about where you are and a few
shots from the previous game. Talk to Zepp but not much information comes from
it. You’ll find a tape was hidden under the newspaper. PICK UP CASSETTE 1 and
USE CASSETTE 1 WITH TAPE RECORDER. Okay, now we have a rough idea why Zepp is
here and another clue. Okay, so you don’t have any of the keys and neither does
Jigsaw but Zepp does. LOOK AT ZEPP for a close-up and see that there’s a red
object in his pocket (note that you can only do this AFTER you hear the tape)
PICK UP RED OBJECT. Well, you found a key marked 1. However, it doesn’t fit any
of the shackles and the box on the wall won’t open either. That’s fine, keep the
key for now and don’t worry about the box till later. Now you’ll see there’s a
hole in the wall. There’s an object in it so PICK UP OBJECT. It’s a videotape,
of course there’s no video player in this room so it’s time to leave. The exit
is on the bottom right corner of the room. Just walk to the door.
Okay, now you find yourself in a kitchen. There’s another box that you can’t use
at this point so ignore it for now. However, you may note that there’s a small
shovel in the corner so PICK UP SHOVEL. Look at the three drawers. LOOK AT
DRAWER (the middle one) and you’ll find that it’s filled with knives so PICK UP
DRAWER and you’ll get a knife. There’s a note on the refrigerator so PICK UP
NOTE. You won’t automatically read it so go into your inventory and LOOK AT NOTE.
You get yet another cryptic clue. Well, we’ll figure that out later. In the
bottom broken cabinet there’s a small box (you may have to search a little) PICK
UP SMALL BOX. Yay, we got a box of matches. Okay, now we’ve got the message to
deal with. Follow the heat. That’s simple enough; the oven is the hottest thing
in the kitchen, so USE STOVE DOOR. Well, it looks like you found a hidden tunnel
so LOOK AT HOLLOW to enter.
You’ll enter a room with a dead body chained to the wall. There’s not much you
can do for the guy now so don’t worry about him. Right next to you, there’s a
large box and some tools next to it. The only one you need is the saw so PICK UP
SAW. Now that you have the saw, LOOK AT BOX (THE ONE ON THE WALL). Okay, I know
you probably see only “look at door” but just fiddle around with the mouse and
you’ll eventually get the option you want. This box has the number 1 on it. So
USE KEY 1 WITH LOCK. Great, it’s open! You find a triangle and a key so PICK UP
TRIANGLE and PICK UP KEY then LOOK AT RETURN. You may notice a trail of some
dark stuff. There’s a video player in the room so now it’s time to learn about
your fate. USE TAPE 1 WITH VIDEO and you’ll get a message. Suddenly Zepp will
call you but he’s not going anywhere so keep looking around here. LOOK AT
SUBSTANCE and find it’s gasoline. You can’t light it alone no matter what you
try so USE ROPE ON SUBSTANCE then USE MATCHES ON ROPE. After a cut scene you can
now identify a marked brick (it’s in the middle of a loop of the dark substance).
USE MARKED BRICK to pull it out. There’s a tape and a key in the hole. PICK UP
CASSETTE and PICK UP KEY (the key may be a little hard to find so keep moving
the mouse around). As always play the tape so USE CASSETTE 2 WITH TAPE RECORDER.
Huh, another clue in the video. USE TAPE 1 WITH VIDEO again and you’ll be
prompted to type in the clue. The clue is 1=0. Okay, now let’s look at Allen the
dead guy. He’s got something in his hand. He won’t need it anymore so PICK UP
ENVELOPE. Also note that there’s a single needle next to his free hand so PICK
UP HYPODERMIC NEEDLE. Go into your inventory and LOOK AT ENVELOPE. You’ll get
another tape so USE ALLAN CASSETTE WITH TAPE RECORDER. Okay, so that’s how he
died. Well, you don’t want Zepp to die since he’s your key out of here so head
back to him now (the exit is on the bottom left of the screen).
First Room II
Aw, Zepp is a big baby! There’s no danger in here, he just wanted to tell you
about the timer (well that’s what that panel was about). Now that you know
you’re being timed it’s that much more important to get out of here. TALK TO
ZEPP if you want but he still won’t talk about Allen. You can also USE KEY 1
WITH RIGHT LEG SHACKLE if you want but it’s not necessary right now.
Kitchen II
Okay, now you’re back in the kitchen in the bottom center area you’ll find
there’s a door so WALK TO DOOR. This is a locked door and you don’t know what to
do but LOOK AT BACKGROUND to find it’s like paper. Now that you know this, USE
KNIFE ON BACKGROUND to note some interesting numbers. The clue pretty much means
you ignore all the ones and add up the rest of the numbers. LOOK AT NUMERIC
SEQUENCE and type in 56. Okay, LOOK AT BOX (the one in the center of the room)
and hit the buttons 0 5 6. The right arrow will flash. WALK TO DOOR, USE SMALL
Surveillance Room
You’ve made it into a room filled with monitors and other such junk. You can
look at the various objects if you want but most of it doesn’t do anything for
you. LOOK AT MODEL BATHROOM and you’ll get a mobile phone. LOOK AT MOBILE PHONE
and you’ll get a close up of it. No numbers work right now but if you push the
button between the red and green buttons you’ll get another clue. LOOK AT
BRIEFCASE to open it and you’ll find it’s filled with fake money. PICK UP
DOCUMENTS, PICK UP DOCUMENT and PICK UP TAPE before you leave the briefcase
scene. The pen and the money are useless so don’t bother with them. In your
inventory LOOK AT DOCUMENTS and just look through all four pages. Now there’s
another clue. You can also look at the second document you have but this doesn’t
seem any bit useful. It’s time to leave here.
Kitchen 3
When you enter the kitchen you now find that you can interact with some of the
tiles on the wall so LOOK AT WALL TILE then USE WALL TILE. You’ll see the number
468 on the wall so LOOK AT MOBILE PHONE and dial 4 6 8 and the green button. Now
the closed box in the room opens. LOOK AT BOX and PICK UP KEY and PICK UP
TRIANGLE. There’s nothing more to do in this room right now so LOOK AT HOLLOW.
Dungeon 2
Now that you’ve seen the map move the mouse over the bottom right corner and
you’ll find it says area (you may have seen it before but you can’t interact
with until you see the map). USE SHOVEL WITH AREA to dig up a key. PICK UP KEY
and since you’re here USE TAPE 2 WITH VIDEO. You’re done with this room.
First Room 3
Now you’ll finally get to open that box in this room. LOOK AT BOX and USE KEY 3
WITH LOCK. By now you should know to PICK UP TRIANGLE and PICK UP KEY. Okay, now
you have all the triangles you need (one of them has been in your inventory from
the start). Leave this room for now.
Surveillance Room 2
Now that you have all the triangles, you can LOOK AT BOX and USE TRIANGLE WITH
MECHANISM (do you really need me to tell you to do this with all four triangles?),
Leave the room
First Room 4
You finally have all four keys. Obviously you need to free Zepp. Just USE KEY
RIGHT HAND SHACKLE. Okay, now you’ve freed Zepp, he opens the door and you’re
free right?
Work Room
Wrong! You still have more to do. Zepp will start searching for a way out and is
no help so you’re still on your own. It seems that James is here too. This may
be a little frustrating but if you look to the right middle area of the door you
should find a chain. Once again there may be some searching involved. USE SAW
WITH CHAIN to open the door. Once you’re inside, USE BLOOD. Game Over.
You can't win. No matter what you do you die anyway. This killer is not the
original Jigsaw Murderer. If you want to know more... watch SAW III.